Access Keys:

Good Shepherd Nursery, Belfast Co. Antrim

November News

  • Our aim for November is to focus on family life and homes.
  • Who belongs in the family home-mum, dad, brother ,sister and extended family.
  • We will also talk about transport, how we get to nursery, who walks, who drives, takes a bus or a taxi.
  • We continually encourage the children to notice the changes in weather with the changing seasons and give them a running commentary on what we notice around them.
  • Encouraging the children to talk about how quickly it becomes dark.
  • We will talk about food sources, dinners, snack, vegetables we use and prefer eating in colder weather. in winter time.
  • We will encourage the children to observe the changing colours in their environment, changing from red, brown and orange.
  • We will link our art activities and resources to the seasonal changes we notice.
  • We will consider what plants/seeds we can plant in this season.
  • Talking about the types of clothes we need as the weather gets colder, hat, gloves, coat.
  • Recalling and remembering what we did during our Big Bedtime Read experience, coming back to nursery school in the dark in our p.j's and drinking hot chocolate and having some bedtime stories.