September News

- We focus on the "Settling in" period with the children
- We encourage an awareness of their space within the nursery
- We provide a wide variety of resources.
- We offer a wide variety variety of materials (mixture of textures) to create junk art!
- We encourage children to use junk art recycled materials from home and school, creating beautiful works of art and discuss the importance of recycling.
- Snack routine is introduced and we link this special time to the benefits of healthy eating.
- We discuss where food waste goes and teach children how to recycle by taking part and experiencing recycling routines within the nursery school day.
- Throughout our snack routines ,we discuss fresh fruit, vegetables, growing, planting, farming, buying from local shops and finding food in super markets .We talk about their likes and dislikes.
- We talk about where our weekly fruit comes from.
Good Shepherd Nursery, 11 Good Shepherd Road, Belfast Co. Antrim BT17 0PL
Phone: (028) 90 301684 | Email: