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Good Shepherd Nursery, Belfast Co. Antrim


2019/2020 School Year

11th Feb 2020
A huge congratulations to Good Shepherd Nursery school on achieving our 3rd Green...
10th Feb 2020
The boys and girls have been busy preparing our garden for our insects and filling...
10th Feb 2020
As part of our Healthy Living Eco Theme,the boys and girls are recognising the importance...
7th Feb 2020
We have been mini beast spotting around our nursery.We used our picture cards to...
7th Feb 2020
The boys and girls have been really busy planting a variety of vegetables. They...
7th Feb 2020
Kim Joins In theme through the Media Initiative Programme. This story aims to foster...
7th Feb 2020
As part of our Eco programme and enabling our environment, the boys and girls made...
7th Feb 2020
The boys and girls loved making food for the birds with cheerios, threading them...
7th Feb 2020
The children are being real Eco helpers by filling up their watering cans from our...