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Good Shepherd Nursery, Belfast Co. Antrim


2020/2021 School Year

26th May 2021
If you go down to the woods today.... Children may bring in their teddies today...
25th May 2021
25th May 2021
This month has been so busy!! It's hard to believe that the nursery term is coming...
20th May 2021
Children brought their scooters and bikes nursery this week, this continues to build...
14th May 2021
Let's all continue to keep our schools safe!
14th May 2021
Quick, tell everyone it's Friday!! Thoughtful real life resourcing enables staff...
14th May 2021
The boys and girls have been really enjoying their visits from Coach Paul from Sonal...
14th May 2021
Please see the attached flyer for more details on the second session of Parentline...
4th May 2021
A sleep session!