Bring Your Wheels to Nursery School Day!
As are Eco warriors and hold our 5th Green Flag.We are learning about the importance of looking after our environment and travelling to nursery in an Eco friendly way .What better way than for mum and dad to leave the car at home and let me go to nursery using my wheels!!
We had a brilliant day. We rode down to the primary school and had some fun using the large outdoor spaces!
We were so good that we got to play on their climbing and imaginary equipment. After our busy morning, we walked to the closest road and completed our Transport Survey. Everyone got a chance to tick off the different types and colours of Transport in our local area that we could see.When we got back to nursery we discussed what types of transport we saw and counted them all using our tally sheets.
At home time some of our mummy's said they saw us counting the traffic in the morning,we were so busy we didn't see them!
what a busy Monday!
Good Shepherd Nursery, 11 Good Shepherd Road, Belfast Co. Antrim BT17 0PL
Phone: (028) 90 301684 | Email: