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Good Shepherd Nursery, Belfast Co. Antrim

Early transformation Programme.

22nd Nov 2022

Getting Ready for Toddler (3+ Review)

The 3+ Review - Guidance for Pre School settings  is a collaboration between health visitors, pre-school education providers and parents.
The 3+ Review links with the pre-school curricular guidance providing parents and practitioners with valuable information that can be used to support a child’s development. The information also enables early identification of needs and where necessary appropriate referral to support services.   

The Public Health Agency leads on the implementation of the 3+ Review, in partnership with Department for Education and the Education Authority. 

The guidance has been developed for pre-school education teachers and leaders, to maximise the potential of health and education working collaboratively to improve outcomes for children and to support the planning and delivery of the 3+ Review by the named health visitor in partnership with pre-school education settings and parents/carers.

Don't forget to check your seesaw, to confirm your Health Visitor Meeting this week.