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Good Shepherd Nursery, Belfast Co. Antrim

Good bye Little Shepherds.

30th Jun 2023

Dear parents, carers,

As the year draws to a close, thank everyone of you for firstly choosing Good Shepherd Nursery School and for trusting us with your child’s education. Thank you to every “Little Shepherd” for all the warmth, fun, memories, and successes we have shared over the year. Your child has grown into an independent little person determined to succeed in their own goals. They have learnt to do many things with us, how to be a good friend, how to persevere, how to solve problems and how to always do their very best and be proud of their achievements. Thank you to all the staff who have worked tirelessly to support each and every child. We have nurtured kind, curious, inquisitive, independent children who love to learn! We are so proud of each one of them!

On behalf of the staff and Governors, we wish you all the very best, enjoy the summer and please bring your child back for a visit in September. Thank you.

Mrs Le Mahieu