Access Keys:

Good Shepherd Nursery, Belfast Co. Antrim

Information from Minister Weir.

15th Oct 2020


we have just received notification from Minister Weir,that the executive has announced that all schools will have the half term holiday break extended from the 19th october to the 30th October .This is a holiday and will not be used for any remote learning. Schools will be closed to all pupils including vulnerable children and children of key workers.

Schools will reopen as normal on Monday 2nd November.

During the week beginning 19th October direct payments will be made to those pupils in receipt of Free School Meals.

We understand that this is very short notice and apologise for any inconvenience to you and your families during this time.

Thank you for your continued support during this exceptionally difficult time and we hope your families all stay safe during the midterm break.

Please continue to follow all PHA guidance and email the nursery school if you need to make contact in an emergency.