Allocation of Pre-school and Primary school places
27th Apr 2022
parents/guardians will receive the outcome of their Pre-school and P1 application for September 2022.
If you applied online, updates on your child’s pre-school/school place will be published on the EA Citizen Portal from 10am on Thursday, 28 April. You can log in by visiting:
Your login details will be the email address and password that were used at the time of your initial application. You can check these details by visiting the link above and re-setting your password if necessary. This will avoid any delays in viewing your outcome on the day of announcement.
If you applied using a paper application, you will receive information on your child’s pre-school/school place by email/letter on 28 April.
Parents who have a child with a statement of special educational needs awaiting Pre-school/P1 placement will be updated on the application process by their SEN link officer or school by 10 June, not via the Citizen Portal.

Good Shepherd Nursery, 11 Good Shepherd Road, Belfast Co. Antrim BT17 0PL
Phone: (028) 90 301684 | Email: