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Good Shepherd Nursery, Belfast Co. Antrim

Well Being Funding

15th Mar 2021

All schools in Northern Ireland received funding to be specifically spent on resources to support  "Well being"

We purchased an interactive whiteboard and use it in a variety of ways.We play music and encourage our children  to dance and sing along.We support and encourage them to enjoy moving to music and being creative when making their own.

We support learning by facilitating yoga, mindfulness activities, Jump,Jiggle and Jive and high energy sport sessions on the big screen.

ICT resources can greatly benefit children who have English as an additional language. Many of the resources we use will support children to learn the language in a fun and interactive way, building confidence and working together with peers.

IWBs can be used for drawing, writing, singing, technology skills, games, etc and allow children to interact and collaborate during activities. We use a host of apps and personalised slideshows that support children's well being, build confidence and create a sense of well being.

We also purchased a water/sand tray to add to our nurture resources.

Staff attended a Well Being webinar to support their own well being and learn ways to offer further learning experiences that enhance our children's well being.